
Peer Review Process

All articles published in the Journal of Political Sociology undergo a multi-stage review process, during which both the editors of the journal and up to three external reviewers screen the submissions and ensure the quality of the publications. We employ a double anonymous peer review, which keeps the process as objective as possible. Reviewers are not aware of the author’s identity, and you will not know the identity of the reviewers. However, both authors and reviewers can choose to disclose their name.

Submitted articles are first screened and evaluated by members of the editorial board. If the article is deemed suitable for publication, an anonymised version will be submitted to two external reviewers. Reviewers provide a written evaluation to the editorial office, which we will use to adjudicate whether a contribution is published or not. The turnaround time for reviews is about two months. The outcome will be communicated to the author(s) with a reason for the decision and, if necessary, notes for revision. If plagiarism is suspected, plagiarism software will be used to check the submission. Plagiarised texts will be rejected.

Research Integrity

The Journal of Political Sociology adheres to the best practices in the ethics of scholarly publishing stated in the COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for all parties involved: Authors, Reviewers and the Publisher. JPS expects fair author attributions, fair treatment of research participants, honest reporting, explicit mention of funding and any potential conflict of interest when submitting the manuscript. If the contribution reports on studies that have been carried out by the authors, the data collection and storage should all be GDPR compliant, unless the research was conducted in a setting in which the GDPR does not apply. If you have questions or concerns regarding research integrity or publishing ethics in this journal, you may contact the editor.

Open Access and Copyright Policy

This journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his or her institution. Users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or to use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This journal does not charge article processing charges (APC's) or submission charges.

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. Articles are published under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which allows others to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or to use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. When reused, the authorship of the work must be stated and reference made to the original publication in this journal.

Archiving Policy

This journal utilises Portico and PKP Preservation Network to create permanent archives for the purposes of preservation and restoration.

Repository Policy

Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit versions of their work in a repository of their choice. 


Authors are encouraged to use their ORCID ID when submitting their manuscript.